BSA A50 Instrument Speedo Speedometer Tacho Bracket 68-9148 (H97)


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BSA A50 Instrument Speedo Speedometer Tacho Bracket 68-9148

BSA A50 Instrument Speedo Speedometer Tacho Bracket 68-9148. An instrument mounting bracket for the twin clocked A50 A65 Range with the forward mount, central steering lock.

Laser cut in 3mm A2 304 Stainless Steel. Consequently requiring some de-burring. Also, fitment is at the discretion and responsibility of the buyer. Therefore no testing or approval implied other than to fitment and use on my own and customer’s motorcycles.

BSA A50 Instrument Speedo Speedometer Tacho Bracket 68-9148

BSA A65 Instrument Speedometer Tachometer Bracket 68-9140 (H97)

The clock mounting holes (whilst etched for positioning and drilling) have been omitted in case pattern clocks are required to be fitted.


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